Now that song is stuck in my head.  Like Kona Brewing, I like these guys alot.  Don't remember having a bad beer from this bunch.

Dark, thick, and some coffee in there.  Man, I love me a coffee Porter.  I love these with food, this beer begs for some meat.  Not like Kluck on Thursday before Friday payday begging, but a two great tastes that go great together.  This beer doesn't need Meat to cover its half of the rent.

4 out of 5.  Might even have another…..



Daddy is home. Edmund Fitzgerald is one of my 5 favorite beers. This is the bad boy that pulled me out of the kiddie pool and shoved me into the deep water. It’s the boss. It just is. You wanna classic, thick, smoky porter? This is it.


I drank several of these one cold November 10th up at Whitefish Point in the U.P, in the parking lot of the Great Lakes Shipwreck Museum. We had just attended the annual ringing of the bell inside. The actual bell from the Edmund Fitzgerald that was recovered by divers 8 miles off the coast from where I was standing. The crew still aboard the ship, which served as their final resting place. The bell rings one time for each crew member that passed that night in 1975, with the rings performed by the next of kin who attend every year.


And then we listened to the Gordon Lightfoot epic on the drive back to our hotel room.


One of my favorite memories of being in the U.P, this beer reminds me of that every time I see the label at Belmont.




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