Man, I don't want to get catty with this, but it's got Winter all over the label.  I'm so f'n tired of cold and snow, I have to take a point away.  If that's catty, so be it.  Write your own review next time.  No!  You shut up…..

Whoa, this is a great beer.  Dark, very flavorful.  High ABV content (8.7%).  If you like a strong, dark Ale, this is for you. 

I'm giving this a 4 out of 5.  As good as this beer is, Winter Sucks and the label on the bottle keeps reminding me.

Ah, a Winter Ale coming back the week after a polar vortex. Nice timing!


English Style Ales to me have always been perfect for cold weather drinking. Every so often I'll get offered one during the Summer month and it's like someone saying “here, but on this cozy sweater.” Bro, I am overweight, it's like wearing one all the time anyways, no thanks. In the Winter time though, I'm all 'bout it!


I've never had anything by Great Divide. Kind of surprising since they have been around since 1994, with Hibernation being the Winter seasonal since 1995. Ah well. I've never had a bikini wax and those have been around a while too.


I enjoyed mine cold. Very cold. It's that thicky, sort of motor-oil-dragging-down-the-side-of-your-glass kind of dark ale which I love. The taste is great, although I suspect wouldn't be as snappy had I not had it at about 33 degrees.
Excellent finish! Sometimes these can wash back with too much of an aftertaste, this one is nice, not too strong.


The label has a little box that suggests food pairings that would work well with this brew. LIES!!! You should take my recommendation…this pairs best with another one!



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