Say that name out loud. That's sexy as hell, real panty dropper, like saying Juan Pablo Montoya in between sloppy kisses on the first date. It'll get the job done. The bottle is pretty fancy, looks like something you would buy for a co-worker during a visit to that Christmas town in Michigan. It says in the literature, Monks drank this starting in 1773, the same year Ron Stryker was born. So much like Strykers DNA, this is an old ass recipe. History lesson: the monks drank this when they gave up food for Lent. Giving up food for beer, good luck flying that by the wife, even if it means an eternity in heaven, together. Alright, open this up: Oh, I like it. It's a double bock. It's a little heavier than the color leads you to believe. Can definitely taste the barley. I like it, but I will say, keep it cold. I'm willing to bet, if this warms up a little, it might get real heavy….. 3 out of 5 for me.

This beer is badass!

This beer was brewed by Brother Barnabas as far back as 1773. Three years older than this country's born on date!

During Lent, these monks would slam steins of this as a replacement for food.

It has been brewed with the same recipe since it's inception.

I once bowled a 219, high on pump cheese and stale tortilla chips.

One of those above statements is false. The rest are FACT! I love old German beers with rich history. I feel like I am enriching myself in history, not sitting on my couch thumbing through my DVR deleting episodes of “Basketball Wives” that somehow this thing keeps recording.

This is not the best German beer I have ever had, but it's certainly up there. Ice cold and in a massive stein (mine took four of these bottles to fill, whoops!). Welcome to Germany son!


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