Let's begin with, I love everything these guys have done.  Maybe it's Winter Wear Down, but anything that says, Warm Weather, I'm all about it.  Not all about it, as in, the 22 year old kid that spends 5 days in the Bahamas and then drinks nothing but Red Stripe when he gets home.  All about it, as in, I f'n cold and wanna think about warm stuff.  Let the irony be noted, I chilled this in a snow bank next to my back porch.

Open er' up.  Yep, just what I expected, classic Ale, smooth, easy drinkin'.  Could easily knock back a sixer while thinking about Bikini Bridges.
4 out of 5.  Yep.



Kona Brewing Company is based out of Hawai’i. Jason and I have actually had a few offerings from these guys and really, really like everything they put out. The Big Wave Golden Ale is no exception. You think Hawai’i, you think light, refreshing and this is it baby! Put down that quilt made of seasonal affective disorder and pick up sunshine in a bottle!


This is a perfect beer to enjoy all day. This isn’t one of those more high octane brews that will leaving you drooling and tired after a couple. Clocking in at 4.4% Big Wave keeps it light so you can go out and surf, bike, play beach volleyball….or have the energy to sit on the couch and drink 9 more while working your way through some God forsaken PS4 game during yet another travel waring day this Winter. Did I sound bitter just then? Good. I am. Staring at the bottle makes me think of my last visit to the islands and how warm and perfect it was. Ya know, the polar opposite of what we’re living in now….


The taste: I could bitch about the weather for another month, but I’ll save my whining for Facebook. The taste is great! A perfect bright, crisp ale. It’s richer than your standard macrobrew but nowhere near that full-throttle micro taste that so many of these beers have. Perfect for all day sipping or as an introduction to craft beers for your wife or skeptical friend.


I would have given this a bit higher of a score if it had a little higher on the ABV, but it’s still tasty as Hell. This would be perfect for drinking and mowing the lawn. Drink enough of these and you’ll forget about the fact that the mower isn’t coming out for another 4 months.





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