2 points off the bat, it's relatable.  Sadly, when I'm referred to as Dirty, it means, unclean.  Bastard is sometimes pretty spot on though.  You can tell by just looking at the bottle, this is gonna be Heavy. 

Into a glass it goes: Yep, how full bodied is it?  Picture Large Marge, the 18 wheel driving broad from the Pee Wee Herman movie.  But this smells and tastes alot better (I'm playing a hunch here).  Love it, a nice “one and done” beer.  Probably even better paired with a bleeding steak.

4 out of 5.  Probably 4.5 out of 5.  This is one of those beers that make you glad you tried something that wasn't advertised as coming in a “bucket of beers.”



Founders kicks ass! I lived in Grand Rapids for a couple of years, about a $5 cab ride from the brewery and got the chance to get really, really acquainted with it. Really. I could’ve changed my relationship status on Facebook. Founders is a great hub for what has grown into an awesome craft beer scene downtown. Whether it’s the annual FoundersFest in the Summer (got my first tattoo after one of these….another story for another time) or spending an afternoon at HopCat, GR is blossoming into a beer drinker’s paradise.

Founders doesn’t do a bad beer. They just don’t. The Dirty Bastard is no exception. It’s strong in every sense of the word. It smells strong, has a strong full smoky taste, strong color and a strong punch. It’s basically like The Rock of Scotch Ales, except it doesn’t crap out a children's movie every 3 or 4 years. Or post gym selfies to Instagram. I am too far into this analogy to turn back but by this point I know it was a poor comparison.

Dirty Bastard is an excellent example of a Scotch Ale. Strong. Bold. It may enhance mustache and beard growth…




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